Dear Mooka,
I cannot believe how quickly this past year flew by. It literally feels like yesterday that I was sad because you were turning five. And now you are six! Six! We now have to use two hands to count your age.
The things I will remember most about you being five...
You LOVE your brother and you do everything with him.
You LOVE to read and you read everything to us.
You eat like a bird, unless we are having fondue or sloppy joes.
You hate to have your hair combed.
Your favorite girl singer is Taylor Swift.
Your favorite band is Skillet (and you can sing most anything by them).
You save every single note I write and stick in your lunch box (even if it's on a napkin).
You flip out at the thought or mention of the squirrel from the movie Ice Age.
If kids were allowed to compete on American Gladiator, you would be first in line for try-outs.
You still suck your thumb and twirl your hair.
You still crawl into bed with us most nights.
You are absolutely the sweetest little girl as long as things are done your way.
You love to make us laugh.
The biggest difference I have noticed in this past year is that you have gone from being a baby girl to a little girl. So much about you has changed. I wish I could just stop time and keep you this size forever.
But, no matter how big you get, Daddy and I will always think of you as our little baby girl.
We love you so very much. We thank God each and every day for blessing us with such a wonderful gift!
Love - Mommy and Daddy
1 comment:
I think you should wrap her and send her to Minnesota. I'll pay for s&h. Send them both. G-Ma misses seeing them growing up!
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