The kids were invited to our neighbor's daughter's birthday party on Sunday. Little did I know that we were about to experience our own private Disneyland.
When the neighbor girl spoke of the party prior to the big day, she would only say "It's at my dad's house and he's rich." Now to a 5 and 4 year old, this statement meant nothing, but it peaked my interest.
And it turns out, she wasn't exaggerating.
We arrived at the path to the home and were greeted by massive black gates. There in the front garden was Cinderella and not far behind her was Spiderman. Once the festivities began, Cinderella gave all of the girls make overs, created magic wands, taught them how to dance for the royal ball, read them a story and then declared them all official princesses.
Where was this stuff when I was a kid?
Spidey took the boys down to the lawn to teach them "moves" and let them run races.
And so yes, I suppose her dad is pretty rich (I saw 5 living rooms and I was only in a quarter of the home AND I'm pretty sure the game room is bigger than my entire house). BUT, there was several things about the day that just made me sad. This little girl sat alone at the kitchen table with my friend and I while she opened her presents. No parents, no pictures, no nothing...just alone. Then she became bored with the process about half way through so she left. There sat an entire corner full of unwrapped gifts and a table full of untouched toys.
The whole experience just made me appreciate that we don't have a lot of material things, but we do have a home full of love and reminded me to never take it for granted.
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