Everything seemed to be as normal as our home gets right up until bedtime. We had tucked Mooka away for the night and I went to catch up on television. About five minutes later, there was screaming and banging and crying coming from her room. A. was the first on the scene. She proceeded to frantically tell us that she has a loose tooth.
What the heck?!
She's only 5 (and a half, but I'm trying to ignore that detail).
The next day when I dropped them off for school, I asked the director about what is normal. She showed me a couple of the kids who already have those gummy smiles.
Great, so she's normal.
But seriously!
Fast forward to today, she now has TWO loose teeth. Baby Bear has started checking his now on a daily basis just so he can get in on the action.
UGH - this is all going way too fast!
On a more fun note, I was able to find these adorable tooth fairy pillows on the Lil Pink Chicken shop on etsy. I figured I'd go ahead and get BB one since we'll be doing this with him very soon too. I just hope the pillow gets here before she actually loses it.
For her...

For him...

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